Deutschland Öl Gemälde Reproduktion, Kein Minimum!



Francisco de goya y Lucientes

b. March 30, 1746, Fuendetodos, Spain--d. April 16, 1828,

Gemälde ID::  62458
The same
1810-15 Etching and wash, 160 x 221 mm - This is Plate 3 from the series The Disasters of War (Los desastres de la guerra). Author: GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco de Title: The same Form: graphics , 1801-1850 , Spanish , other
b. March 30, 1746, Fuendetodos, Spain--d. April 16, 1828,




Francisco de goya y Lucientes
b. March 30, 1746, Fuendetodos, Spain--d. April 16, 1828,
The same


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